Senior Strategists in London: A guide to source the best talent
Pubished 5th June 2020
There are currently 291 Senior Strategists in London and 67% of them have changed jobs in the last year. The average contractor daily rate is £450 while the average permanent salary is £55,000 - £70,000.
Fast stats on Senior Strategists in London
LinkedIn Talent Insights, June 2020 |
Senior Strategists in London
Changed jobs in the last year
Avg. Contractor daily rate
Avg. perm salary
Gender breakdown
The Senior Strategist workforce in London has a small male majority of 53% whilst 47% are female.
What schools are producing Senior Strategist talent?
Among the universities where most graduates are placed into Senior Strategist roles in London, University of Cambridge comes out on top with 15 professionals. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) comes in a close second with 14 professionals, again, followed closely by The University of Manchester with 12.
University degrees
Half of London's Senior Strategists have a bachelor’s degree (50%) while over a third (38%) have a master’s degree.
Top 3 most common skills among Senior Strategists in London
The number of Senior Strategists in London that list the skill on their LinkedIn profile
Digital Marketing
Digital Strategy
Integrated Marketing
Most common skills among Senior Strategists in London
The top three skills that Senior Strategists in London list on their LinkedIn profile are Digital Marketing (61%), Digital Strategy (56%) and Integrated Marketing (39%).
Most common titles among Senior Strategists in London
Senior Strategist (100%) is the most common titles among Senior Strategists in London.
Fastest growing skills among Senior Strategists in London
Recruiting, Financial Services, Customer Experience and Strategic Thinking are the top fastest-growing skills among Senior Strategists.
Top companies hiring Senior Strategists in London
The top companies in London employing Senior Strategists in the last year are AMV BBDO, Wunderman Thompson, RAPP and BBH London.
Industries hiring Senior Strategists in London
The industries where most Senior Strategists have been hired are Marketing & Advertising (176), Design (25) and Financial Services (17).

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