Business Architecture Analysts in the London: A guide to source the best talent
Pubished 21st May 2020
Business analysts help organisations enhance their processes, services and software by analysing business data. The data helps business analysts to identify needs and resolve business challenges.
There are currently 358 Business Analysts in London with BPMN, Business Architecture or TOGAF Skills and 30.8% of them have changed jobs in the last year. The average contractor daily rate is £450 while the average permanent salary is £52,000.
Fast Stats
LinkedIn Insights, | May 2020
Business Architecture Analysts in London
Changed jobs in the last year
Avg. contractor daily rate (outside IR35)
Avg. perm salary
Gender breakdown
The Business Architecture Analyst workforce in London has a male majority of 66% whilst 34% are female.
What schools are producing Business Architecture Analyst talent in London?
Among the universities where most graduates are placed into Business Architecture Analyst roles in London, City, University of London comes out on top with 17 professionals. BCS, Chartered Institute for IT, London Metropolitan University and University of Westminster, come in joint second with 13 professionals.
University degrees
Almost half of London's Business Architecture Analysts have a bachelor’s degree (48%) while over a third (37%) have a master’s degree.
Top 3 most common skills among Business Architecture Analysts in London
The percentage of Business Architecture Analysts in London that list the skill on their LinkedIn profile
Business Analysis
Stakeholder Management
Requirements Analysis
Most common skills among Business Architecture Analysts in London
The top three skills that Business Architecture Analysts in London list on their LinkedIn profile are Business Analysis (100%), BPMN (81%) and Requirements Gathering (71%).
Fastest growing skills among Business Architecture Analysts in London
Acting, Continuous Improvement and Agile & Non-Functional Requirements are the top three fastest-growing skills among Business Architecture Analysts in London.
Fastest growing job titles among Business Architecture Analysts in London
Associate Business Analyst, Senior Business Analyst Lead and Senior Business Analyst Contract are the top three fastest-growing job titles among Business Architecture Analysts in London.
Top companies hiring Business Architecture Analysts in London
The top companies in London employing Business Architecture Analyst professionals in the last year are HSBC (9), FDM Group (6) and Investec (5).
Top industries hiring Business Architecture Analysts in London
The industries where most Business Analysts in London have been hired are IT & Services (13%), Financial Services (75%) and Banking (23%).

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