Everything you need to know about Cloud Engineers in the UK
Pubished 15th March 2022
In the UK there are currently 19,535 Cloud Engineers and 25% of them have changed jobs in the last year. The average tenure is 1.9 years.
Fast stats on Cloud Engineers
LinkedIn Talent Insights, March 2022
Cloud Engineers in the UK
Changed jobs in the last year
Avg. tenure in years
Indeed Hiring Insights, March 2022
Competition score out of 100, Cloud Engineer jobs are very competitive compared to other job markets.
Number of jobs that received clicks, +159 since January 2022
Number of job seekers to have clicked on jobs, +70 since January 2022
Average number of job seekers per job, -1 since January 2022
Indeed Hiring Insights, March 2022
Min salary
Average salary
Max salary
Indeed Hiring Insights, March 2022
Number of CVs from job seekers available in the UK on Indeed, +41 Since January 2022
Number of CVs added or updated in the last month, +8 since January 2022
Gender breakdown
The Cloud Engineering workforce in the UK has a male majority of 91% whilst 9% are female.
What schools are producing Cloud Engineers?
Among the educational institutions where most graduates are placed into Cloud Engineering roles in the UK; The Open University comes out on top with 467 professionals. The University of Manchester comes in second with 264 professionals followed by Sheffield Hallam University with 225.
Top 3 fields of study for Cloud Engineers
The number of Cloud Engineers that studied in the field
Computer Science
Computational Science
Information Technology
University degrees
59% of the UK's Cloud Engineers have a master's degree while 30% have a bachelor's degree.
Top 3 most common skills among Cloud Engineers
The number of Cloud Engineers in the UK that list the skill on their LinkedIn profile
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Most common skills among Cloud Engineers
39% of Cloud Engineers in the UK list AWS as a skill on their LinkedIn profile. SQL and Linux are also among the top skills listed at 38% and 36% respectively.
Fastest growing skills among Cloud Engineers
CI/CD is the fastest growing skill among Cloud Engineers in the UK followed by Terraform and Kubernetes.
Fastest growing titles among Cloud Engineers
Cloud Engineer is the fastest-growing title among Cloud Engineers in the UK, followed by Senior Solutions Engineer and Enterprise System Engineer.
Top companies hiring Cloud Engineers
AWS is the top company hiring Cloud Engineers in the UK with 472 professionals. Capgemini comes in second with 344 professionals followed by Microsoft with 339.
Top industries hiring Cloud Engineers
The industry that hire the most Cloud Engineers is Information Technology & Services followed by Computer Software and Financial Services
Top employers by clicks on Indeed
These are the most popular employers based on the number of clicks that they have received on Indeed in February 2022.
Most commonly listed employers on CVs
The top three employers for CVs on Indeed's database are Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Atos and Accenture.
The top locations for this talent in the UK
London Area is the top location in the UK where Cloud Engineers are hired with 6637 professionals. Manchester Area comes in second with 792 professionals followed by Greater Edinburgh Area with 594.
Most commonly listed locations on CVs
The top three locations for CVs on Indeed's database are London, Bristol and Manchester.
Top search terms by clicks on Indeed
These are the most popular search terms leading to clicks on Cloud Engineer job postings on Indeed in February 2022.

Looking to hire?
If you're looking to hire Cloud Engineers or other tech professionals please fill in the form below and one of our experts will be in contact.