Product Managers in Berlin: A guide to source the best talent

Pubished 20th February 2020

Product management is the practice of aligning business, technology and UX design to optimise the value of a product throughout its lifecycle. A Product Manager is responsible for setting the vision, strategy and roadmap of a product or product line.

There are currently 3479 Product Managers in Berlin and 42% of them have changed jobs in the last year. They have an average tenure of 2 years and 52% hold a Master's degree.

Fast stats on Product Managers

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020


Product Managers in Berlin

0 %

Changed jobs in the last year


Years average tenure

0 %

Have a Master's degree

Gender breakdown

The product management workforce in Berlin has a male majority of 60% whilst 40% are female.

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

What schools are producing Product Manager talent?

Among the universities where most graduates are placed into Product Manager roles in Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin comes out on top with 208 professionals. Freie Universität Berlin comes in second with 128 professionals followed closely by Hochschule für Technik with 112.

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

Top 3 fields of study for Product Managers

50.4% of Product Managers in Berlin have studied in the Business Administration and Management General field, while 27.3% have studied in Economics and 22.3% in Computer Science.

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

University degrees

More than half of Berlin's Product Managers have a Master's degree (52%) while close to a third (31%) have a Bachelor's degree.

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

Top 3 most common skills among Product Managers

The number of Product Managers in Berlin that list the skill on their LinkedIn profile


Product Management


Product Development



Most common skills among Product Managers

The top three skills that Product Managers list on their LinkedIn profile are Product Management (78%), Product Development (29%) and Scrum (27%).

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

Fastest growing skills among Product Managers

Product Strategy, UX Research and Stakeholder Management are the top three fastest-growing skills among Product Managers.

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

Fastest growing titles among Product Managers

Assistant Manager of Product Development (50%), Product Area Manager (50%) and Junior Product Manager (45%) are the fastest growing titles among Product Managers.

Top companies hiring Product Managers

The top companies in Berlin that have increased their Product Manager numbers in the last year are N26 (170%), Wayfair (70%) and Delivery Hero (61%).

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

Industries hiring Product Managers

The industries where most Product Managers have been hired are within the Internet (770), IT & Services (493) and Financial Services (197).

LinkedIn Talent Insights, February 2020

One year growth in industries hiring Product Managers

In the last year, Financial Services experienced the biggest growth (30%) in hiring Product Managers, followed by Internet (13%) and the Medical Device industry (11%).

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

Industries hiring Product Managers, gender breakdown

The industry with the smallest gender gaps among Product Managers is the Music industry.

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

Most common titles among Product Managers

The most common titles among Product Managers are Product Manager (68%), followed by Senior Product Manager (20%).

LinkedIn Insights, February 2020

A meeting room with numerous folders and laptops and notepads on the table

Looking to hire?

If you're looking to hire Product Managers or other digital professionals please fill in the form below and one of our experts will be in contact.